Guidance on making a submission

In order for submissions to be considered fully, they should be submitted on the Call for Sites submission form, having regard to the associated guidance contained in this and other sections of the Call for Sites Information Pack.

For your site to be considered, please complete the dedicated Call for Sites form for each site you wish to submit.  The form is available to download here;

Please ensure you include a map (preferably on an OS base and at 1:1250 scale) outlining the exact boundaries of the whole site and distinguishing the part(s) that you consider suitable for development. 





Site size threshold: This Call for Sites is for sites capable of delivering 1 or more pitch; there is no minimum threshold in terms of site area.

Supporting Studies: You are strongly encouraged to submit relevant technical reports, akin to what might be required at outline planning application stage, in support of your submission.  The studies should focus on the high level impacts of the site’s development (based on an indicative scheme) and identify what measures will be put in place to address those impacts. The following are likely to be particularly relevant;


For larger schemes where a Transport Assessment (TA) is required it is important to show that the cumulative impact of developments is transparently considered in the submission. This will normally involve, at least, localised modelling of impacts (particularly junctions) on a cumulative basis and the commensurate mitigation should the cumulative impact be above the design capacity of the network. Mitigation may well be a combination of capacity improvements (capable of passing the safety audits) and delivering robust sustainable transport.

For smaller sites of up to 100 dwellings a Transport Statement (TS) would provide the appropriate level of detail. 


All TS/TA reports should be prepared in accordance with the planning practice guidance on 'Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements' (March 2014, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government). Consideration must be given to whether a suitable and safe access can be created with the public highway (including additional emergency/secondary access points for larger sites in accordance with Manual for Streets and Kent Design Guide) in addition to investigation of road safety implications, accessibility to sustainable transport infrastructure and services and, particularly importantly, network capacity impacts. 


Site promoters are encouraged to seek advice from the Highway Authority.  A pre-application charge will apply for a formal written response (see link below).



Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment – A landscape and visual appraisal should be submitted in all cases where sites are in, or adjacent to, sensitive landscapes (land with an international, national, regional or local designation). In other cases, submissions should include an assessment of viewpoints.


The reports should focus on a baseline study and identification of constraints and opportunities with an appraisal of direct and indirect landscape and visual effects and consider the potential for mitigation and enhancement.  Visual assessments should establish where the site is visible from, who the receptors are, and the nature of those views and visual amenity.

The scope and content will vary on a case by case basis but should broadly comply with the principles of the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, third edition (GLVIA 3).

Other assessments which may be relevant according to the specific characteristics of the site and/or the use proposed are;


Note on availability: It is important that the submission includes confirmation from the landowner (or the person in legal control of the site) that the site will be available for the development being proposed.  This is key to demonstrating that the site is genuinely available.

Addressing barriers to development: Those submitting sites should take a pro-active approach to identifying possible barriers to the successful development of their site and how these can and will be addressed in conjunction with their proposal.

Please submit your site form, plan and supporting information by 5pm on Thursday 31st March 2022 to;

Strategic Planning – Call for Sites

Maidstone Borough Council

Maidstone House

King Street


ME15 6JQ